Therapy — What the Skeptics Should Know

Therapy — What the Skeptics Should Know

We all know someone who thinks therapy is nonsense. How can someone who only listens to you talk help you understand your problems?

We get it. At Revîv Functional Psychiatry & TMS Wellness Center in Fullerton, California, our highly experienced psychiatrist Dr. Hina Sidhu takes a holistic approach to mental wellness. We understand the preconceived notions many people have about therapy and how they feel uncertain about how it might help.

It’s okay to be skeptical about therapy, but that doesn’t mean you should dismiss it altogether. Here, we want to share what skeptics should know about therapy.

Is it skepticism or stigma?

A skeptic questions or doubts something to be true. It’s okay and healthy to have questions and doubts about things that are unknown or uncertain. However, stopping yourself from learning more because of your skepticism isn’t constructive and prevents you from growing as a person.

Healthy skepticism about therapy is good because it means you’re still open to the idea but have doubts and questions about how it might benefit you.

Some people are skeptical about therapy because they have a belief that seeking help is a sign of weakness. Or, they fear others may look at them differently if they find out they’re seeing a therapist. These negative false beliefs — stigma — stop many people from getting the help they need.

If you’re skeptical about therapy, ask yourself why.

Therapy isn’t a quick fix

We're a quick-fix culture. Everywhere you turn, someone has the best hack or system to help you lose weight, make more money, or improve your relationship immediately. Unfortunately, most of these quick fixes don’t work. Making changes that improve your health, finances, or relationships take time.

The same is true for therapy. You can’t fix how you think, feel, or act after one session. Though there are some therapeutic techniques aimed at helping you achieve your mental health goals in a short period, it still requires a minimum of six therapy sessions. 

And therapy requires your active participation. Changing how you think or behave takes effort on your part. Change is difficult and even more so if you’re going into therapy with a closed mind.

It might be the therapist

Maybe you tried therapy and it didn’t work out like you expected. Maybe it was the therapist, not the therapy. You need to feel comfortable with your therapist to open up and share. You also need a therapist who can provide the support you need to achieve your goals.

Feeling skeptical about therapy is healthy, but don’t let your skepticism keep you from seeking help that can benefit your mental well-being, especially if you’re struggling with a condition you can’t fix on your own, like depression or an anxiety disorder

We practice functional medicine, combining traditional approaches with modern techniques to help you feel more like you. We also offer telemedicine appointments, which may help you feel more comfortable with therapy because you don’t have to come to the office.

If you're skeptical about therapy, we can provide answers to your questions. Call our office or book an appointment online today so we can provide the help you need. We also offer telemedicine appointments.

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