Schizophrenic? Yes, You Can Have a Functional Life

Schizophrenic, Dr. Hina Sidhu, Revîv Functional Psychiatry & Functional Wellness

Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that can affect anyone of any age but usually develops between adolescence and age 30. This condition often includes delusions, hallucinations, and disordered thinking that can impair your ability to manage your emotions, relate to others, think clearly, and make decisions.

While there isn’t a cure for schizophrenia, the success rates for treating it are higher than those for treating heart patients.

At Revîv Functional Psychiatry & Functional Wellness, Dr. Hina Sidhu and her team work closely with you to outline a treatment strategy that manages your symptoms and helps you live a functional life despite your diagnosis.

Understanding the symptoms of schizophrenia

Experts typically organize schizophrenia symptoms into three main categories: positive, disorganized, and negative.


Positive, or “psychotic,” symptoms describe delusions and hallucinations that indicate you’ve lost touch with reality. Delusions usually involve false thoughts or suspicions while hallucinations cause you to see or hear things that aren’t there.


These types of symptoms usually involve behavior that doesn’t make sense, as well as confused speech or thinking. You might also develop ritualistic movements or repeat certain gestures. Disorganized symptoms can affect your ability to communicate coherently and create challenges understanding everyday things.


The negative symptoms of schizophrenia describe absent characteristics that should be present. These types of symptoms often include a lack of interest or pleasure in life, a flat expression, and the inability to begin or complete activities.

Treating your schizophrenia symptoms

Schizophrenia is a highly treatable condition. At Revîv Functional Psychiatry & Functional Wellness, Dr. Sidhu combines the most advanced scientific techniques with proven traditional approaches and philosophies to manage your schizophrenia symptoms. Her strategy works to rejuvenate your whole self while strengthening your mind-body connectedness.

The first step in managing schizophrenia is controlling your symptoms. To reduce your psychotic symptoms, Dr. Sidhu usually recommends antipsychotic medications. There are several antipsychotic medications available, so Dr. Sidhu works closely with you to identify the most effective option with minimal side effects to reduce your symptoms.

Dr. Sidhu also recommends psychotherapy for managing schizophrenia symptoms. Talk therapy can help you normalize your thinking and cope with stress more effectively. Expert guidance during regular psychotherapy sessions can also help you learn to identify warning signs so that you can manage your condition better and reduce your chances of relapsing.

Dr. Sidhu can also offer supportive psychotherapy resources designed to help you find and keep employment.

Long-term management solutions for schizophrenia

A schizophrenia diagnosis can feel overwhelming, but Dr. Sidhu acts as your partner in your long-term care strategy. Working together, she helps you understand the first three to six months of your treatment and continues updating these goals throughout your care.

In addition to medication and talk therapy, your long-term schizophrenia management goals might also include strategies to support a positive attitude, like developing a healthy diet and exercise routine, as well as engaging in hobbies, learning relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga, or joining a support group.

To help you build a supportive environment and cope with the stigma of mental illness, Dr. Sidhu can help you develop strategies so that you feel comfortable communicating about your diagnosis. She can even offer suggestions on how your loved ones can help intervene if they notice your mental health declining. Dr. Sidhu also provides education and support for your family to help them manage the challenges that come with the schizophrenia diagnosis.

For more information on living a functional life with schizophrenia, call Revîv Functional Psychiatry & Functional Wellness or schedule an appointment online today.

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