5 Benefits of Telemedicine for Mental Health Care

5 Benefits of Telemedicine for Mental Health Care

Millions of people all across the United States struggle with mental illness. However, less than half reach out for help. That is partially due to the lack of access to mental health professionals and the stigma that still surrounds mental illness.

But telemedicine is breaking down these barriers, making it easier for people to get mental health care.

At Revîv Functional Psychiatry & TMS Wellness Center in Fullerton, California, our compassionate and skilled psychiatrist Dr. Hina Sidhu uses telemedicine for psychiatric care and sees firsthand the many benefits it offers her patients.

Here, we want to share some of those benefits with you.

1. Better access to experts

Many rural areas simply don’t have enough mental health professionals to meet their needs. And others work long hours or have caregiving duties that make it difficult to meet with their psychiatrist.

Telemedicine eliminates that barrier, bringing mental health services right to you. Instead of driving to the office, you meet by video chat or phone call from home, at work, or anywhere that works best for you.

Plus, telemedicine gives you access to more mental health professionals, not just the ones close by. That makes it easier to find someone you feel comfortable talking to. 

2. Appointments are private and confidential

Though we’ve come a long way, there’s still plenty of stigma surrounding mental health care. You may not seek help for your mental well-being if you’re afraid others might find out or think negatively of you. Or, maybe you fear that you may lose your job. 

Telemedicine appointments are private and confidential. And, because you don’t have to go to an office, you don’t have to worry about anyone seeing you.

3. More flexibility in scheduling

Many people are simply too busy to take care of their mental health. We get it. But with telemedicine, scheduling is a lot more flexible. We can see you before you start work, on your lunch break, or when you’re waiting for your kids to finish soccer practice. 

4. Meet in a comfortable environment

We do our best to make our office as comfortable and inviting as possible. But you may have a difficult time opening up in an unfamiliar place.

With telemedicine, you meet with us from a place where you feel safe and comfortable. In this environment, you’re more open to sharing your thoughts and feelings, which ultimately benefits your mental wellness.

5. Saves time and money

Telemedicine for mental health care saves you time and money. Because telemedicine is flexible and convenient, you don’t have to take time off from work to come to the office, pay for a sitter to watch your kids, or spend money on travel. 

Telemedicine for mental health care removes many barriers that stop you from getting the help you need. Let us help you. We treat all types of mental health conditions through telemedicine, including depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 

Call our office or book an appointment online today. 

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